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Administering Jetstream2 for OFO development / advanced Jetstream2

Updating the ofo-dev image

Follow these steps to create and configure a new instance image to serve as a template for OFO team members to create their own development instances.

  1. Go to Exosphere and select our project/allocation (BIO220124).
  2. Click Create -> Instance in the top right.
  3. Click the button for Ubuntu 22.04 (we are working to transition to the newer 24.04 but need one JS2 bug (related to installing R) to be worked out first before we can transition).
  4. For Name, enter ofo-dev-YYYYMMDD, inserting the current date in place of YYYYMMDD.
  5. For Flavor, select m3.small.
  6. For Choose a root disk size, select Custom and enter 50 (GB).
  7. For Enable web desktop, select No. (It can still be enabled, if desired, when creating new instances from this instance's image.)
  8. For Choose an SSH public key, select your key (must have been added during your JS2 setup). Note: your key will be on the ofo-dev VM image and all machines others create from it. This should be OK because anyone in our allocation can access the VM anyway, but if you want to avoid this, you could probably select None for SSH key and just connect via SSH using the exouser password provided on the instance's page in Exosphere.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Pull up the instance's page by clicking on the Instances box and then clicking on the instance name. Wait for the status in the top right to change to Ready in green (approx. 1 minute).
  11. Apply the OFO dev Ansible configuration as described in the README of the ofo-ansible repo.
  12. Reboot the instance (via command line or Exosphere).
  13. On the instance's Exosphere page, click Actions -> Image and then Create (accepting the default name).
  14. On the instance's Exosphere page, delete the instance.